One last news post for the road:
- Some people are confused so I'd like to reiterate: I AM NOT DEAD! At the time of writing this, I still browse Newgrounds and may occasionally post a creation to the site. The only thing that's dead are the animations that you originally knew me for, not everything else about me. I can't promise that whatever I'll do next is something that can be posted on here since I'm still trying to find a new creative outlet for myself, but you can always see the latest things I've been doing at if you're ever curious.
- Also I was recently interviewed by prominent Newgrounds writer @TheInterviewer! If you want to read a big wall of text about my former one-man animation career and other stuff, check it out here.
- Also my characters made it onto r/Place 2 a few weeks ago! Without me even asking, people on my Discord fought hard to create pixel art of Teddy and Ben, and managed to succeed in the end. See if you can find it on the atlas...
Thank you for your time! Until we meet again.
Thank you. I shall continue your legacy, in about a few months time.